When we all need shelter, shade, relief

There’s a fun game to play with young children. You take a sip from your drink, smack your lips and then open your mouth and say AHHHHH!!! Do that a few times and the kiddos are soon copying you. “Smack – Ahhhhhh” That’s refreshing!

As we approach the first official day of Summer, June 21, it may take more creativity to find that “Smack----Ahhhhh” refreshing feeling. Unless you are in air conditioning or in a pool.

What “refreshment” is your favorite? Call it out!

                        Ice cream? (what kind? flavor?)

                        A nap?

                        A cool shower after working in the garden?

What if you don’t have easy access to ice-cold drinks or a cool shower?


“And there shall be a tabernacle for a shelter and shade from the heat of the day, and a refuge and hiding place from the storm and rain.”

Yes, the heat will wear us down. And storms can damage property and ruin a day at the park. 

Similarly, the heat of stress, arguments, uncertainty, and loss can wear us down even more.

The storms of life can leave us looking for a place to hide. 

When we are serving, we don’t know what storms our guests are coming in from today.

We don’t know how hot it is in their lives. 

But we do know that this is the one place where we will serve to pave the way for people to know the One who does know. And the One who can bring relief and shelter for all their worries, burdens, and uncertainties. 

We bring the refreshment in the form of being servants for our King. 

POUR OUT so much grace to others so that their internal child will smack their lips, with a wonderful sigh of ahhhhh.

Focusing on others, remembering that it’s not about you. Be fully present to really see people, opening the door to “the tabernacle” they are looking for – even if they don’t know they are looking for Him.

Consider it like offering a cool drink of water to someone more thirsty than they realize.


Fans for the volunteers! Or use umbrellas for shade when serving outside. They are good for more than just the rain.   

Have refreshing drinks either in Huddle or at Debrief or available throughout the day!

Lemonade - Root beer floats - Ice tea